![]() Local anglers can look forward to some fresh stockings of trout as the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission began their winter trout stocking on Oct. 1. The stockings will continue through mid-December. During that time, the agency said it will stock approximately 116,500 hatchery raised adult Rainbow, Brown and Brook trout in 118 streams and lakes. In October alone, the PFBC will stock approximately 87,900 trout in 93 waters, including 53 lakes and 40 streams including 16 Keystone Select Trout Waters which are managed under Delayed Harvest Artificial Lures Only regulations. An additional 25 lakes will be stocked with approximately 28,600 trout during November and December, which is in time for some possible ice fishing opportunities. Locally, the only water that is scheduled for stocking is the Little Lehigh on Oct. 17 with Rainbow trout. Over in Northampton County, only Minsi Lake will receive rainbows on Oct. 10. In neighboring Berks County, Antietam Reservoir will get rainbows on 11-13-24 and on 12-7-24, Kaercher Creek Dam will also get rainbows. There are no planned stockings for Carbon County. This past Saturday, a small portion of the Little Lehigh Creek received some trout from the Lil-Le-Hi trout nursery for handicapped children. It’s a great time for these kids to fish without pressure from other anglers. The PFBC reminds trout anglers that during the extended trout season (Sept. 3- Dec. 31, 2024 and Jan. 1- Feb. 8, 2025), the daily creel limit is three trout of combined species with a minimum size of seven inches. This applies only to designated Stocked Trout Waters. DELAWARE RIVER If you fish the Delaware River and perhaps launch a boat at the Matamoras Access in Pike County, be advised it will be temporarily closed for ramp repairs from Oct. 7 through Oct. 9. The PFBC recommends anglers use the Zane Gray Access upstream until it reopens. ARCHERY BEAR HUNTING SEASON The archery bear hunting season in local WMU’s 2B, 5C and 5D opened Sept. 21 for a split season. It now opens in 18 other WMUs on Oct. 5 for a split season that includes a Sunday Nov. 17. Locally, the October opener adds WMU’s 4C in most of Schuylkill County and 3D in Monroe County. STARLING/SPARROW SEASON Yes, you read right. I asked a few long-time hunter friends if they knew they could legally shoot Starlings and Sparrows. And they did not. Actually, there is no closed season on them except during the regular firearms deer seasons. And there is no limit. Reason for that is that these birds came from another country and not native to Pennsylvania. As such they’re considered nuisance birds that rob native birds of food and will often take over nests built by song birds and others.
With deer hunting season about to begin for bowhunters, it’s a time when hunters may see some unusual, if not rare sights. An example of this are different colorations. Some are piebald deer that have a mix of brown and white coats, then there are albinism deer or all white deer that have reddish or pale eyes, and lastly, and the rarest of all are black deer, or melanistic, that most hunters may never see while hunting or scouting. But a friend from Northampton County has seen a black buck in his back yard, and always in the morning. You may wonder how this coloration occurs. According to the National Deer Association, a Melanistic deer is a random genetic anomaly. Changes in the coat color of mammals is believed to be mutations in the melanocortin I receptor gene (MCIR). The mutated gene that causes melanism is believed to be recessive, just like the gene responsible for some albinism and all piebaldism. The first known record of melanism in whitetails was in 1929, according to famous wildlife photographer Leonard Lee Rue. Melanistic deer have been reported in Mississippi, Michigan, Virginia, Texas, South Carolina and Pennsylvania. In 1999, two Texas Tech University professors learned that there’s an 8-county area of Texas where the number of black deer is estimated to be as high as eight percent of the total deer populations. One study described this region as having deep drainages and thick cover. And as Texas has the largest white-tailed deer population in the United States, the professors stated that since they cannot measure the precise number of black deer in the world, most estimates guess that only about one in every 500,000 deer are melanistic. They also believe inbreeding can lead to high rates of black deer in an area. That is because inbreeding makes recessive genes more dominant. My friend, Vin Fugazotto, a science/biology teacher at Parkland High School who used to breed deer, told me he had two melanistic deer years ago that initially were chestnut brown but developed black hues. And recently, a friend told him that he captured a Zionsville black deer on his trail cam. He believes melanism is tracked back to the deer’s mother. And as far as actually harvesting one, Fugazotto had heard a hunter took a black deer in Bucks County some 10-15 years ago. The Texas Tech study also indicated that as far as shooting a black deer, it was noted that animals with genetic anomalies have a harder time surviving in the wild. This is one reason they are so rare. Melanistic or albino animals are easier to spot, which means predators will see and eat these animals more often. It was also pointed out that there are other animals that can be melanistic such as squirrels, guinea pigs and snakes to list a few. My Northampton County friend saw his particular black deer only once last year. So far this year he saw it three times. So where did it go over last hunting season and not making any appearances during the winter or spring months? Only it knows. ![]() It’s the most anticipated time of year for over 350,000 bowhunters in Pennsylvania when the bow season kicks off Sept. 21 in Wildlife Management Units 2B, 5C and 5D and for ones surrounding Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. The season runs through Nov. 29 including two Sundays, Nov. 12 and 24. Then starts again Dec. 26-Jan. 25. The statewide archery season starts Oct. 5 and includes on Sunday, Nov. 17 before ending Nov. 22 and reopens Dec. 26. – Jan. 26-30. According to the Pennsylvania Game Commission, bowhunters represent one of every two deer hunters in Pennsylvania overall. And no other state has more bowhunters as Pennsylvania. Plus, bowhunters take a good number of deer. In the 2023-24 seasons, bowhunters harvested an estimated 154,850 whitetails (83,370 bucks and 71,480 antlerless deer). That was, says the PGC, about 36 percent of the overall deer harvest. That matched the most recent five-year average and is in-line with what’s occurring on a larger scale. Every week of the 2023-24 archery season, contributed at least 10 percent to the overall deer harvest, with some weeks accounting for as much as 25 percent. The National Deer Association’s 2024 “Deer Report,” in the three seasons from 2020 to 2022, archers took, on average, about 34 percent of all deer harvested across what’s considered the Northeast region, a 13-state area stretching from Maine to Virginia. That shows the popularity of bowhunting. In fact, one land owner down in deer rich Bucks County wanted the deer herd on her property thinned out so she allows bowhunters on her property because “she doesn’t hear it happening.” That reference was to firearm hunters, plus safety concern. So it would appear bowhunters have that advantage in gaining hunting access. As to where to hunt. It seems deer are everywhere and places you don’t expect them to be. Reason being, development is driving deer from their natural haunts. This past Feb. at 2 a.m., I had a doe standing in my front yard, then watched her on my security cameras. She walked down the alley across the street from my house in the west end of Allentown. Where did that deer come from? Other sightings are by others in populated developments. From a buddy’s’ yard in Coplay, to deer on Rte. 22 and the cloverleaf brushy area at Rte. 191. Another buddy who lives in Salisbury Township and not far from Lehigh Parkway, constantly has deer in his backyard. Even had a few walk down his Buckingham Drive road in front of his home. Deer have also been seen grazing grass next to the Northampton Fire Company. There’s also a hefty 6-pointer on the preserved land on Springhouse Road adjacent to Rte. 22 and across the highway from Parkland School District’s Administration office. If you use a deer scents during the bow season, Bob’s Taxidermy on Kernsville Road in Orefield, just got freshly obtained “Yurine Luck” deer scent that he packs in plastic bottles for sale. It’s unlike the bottled scent at big box stores that could have been on the shelf for a long time, and lost its potency. A final reminder from the PGC is that bowhunters may use illuminated nocks that aid in tracking or locating the arrow or bolt after being launched, but transmitter-tracking arrows are not. And don’t forget to use a fall-restraint device – preferably a full-body harness – when hunting from a tree stand. And wear it from the time you leave the ground. Every year some hunters fall from tree stands and sustain serious injuries. A few have even died from a fall. Pennsylvania's squirrel season opens Sept. 14 which is a great time to take a youth hunting9/7/2024 Aside from the dove hunting season that kicked-off Sept. 2, squirrel season is the next small game pursuit when that season gets underway Sept. 14-28. Squirrel season has a three-season run as it opens again Dec. 16-24 and Dec. 26 to Feb. 28. It’s one of the longest small game hunting seasons in Pennsylvania. Squirrels are also our most plentiful small game species. Squirrel season is also an excellent time to introduce a youth to hunting as it gives them an outdoors education that they would not get in school, plus it gets them away from their electronic toys. Added to that, the season is still warm and doesn’t require a lot of hunting clothes as jeans and a sweatshirt would do. The only necessary requirement would be a pair of hunting or hiking boots, and a can of tick repellent as the nasty critters are heavy again this year - and a youth license. As for choice of a firearm for squirrels, the choices are shotgun or rimfire (.22LR) rifle. For youngsters the .22 is preferable as it’s easier to shoot with virtually no recoil and with a scope, makes shots more precise. The shotgun would be for later on when the youths gain shooting experience, although it’s easier to down a bushy tail with a well- placed shot when a squirrel is sitting still or running along a tree branch. In this early part of the season, the woodland tree canopy is thick requiring a close shot. Most veteran squirrel hunters rarely take shots beyond 30 yards, if that. Using a .22, you have to get closer, but for a youngster, it teaches patience, shooting skill and stealth to sneak up on a chatterbox up in a tree. Another method is to sit by a tree when seeing or hearing squirrel activity in the trees, and attempting to call one closer by sucking on the back of the hand which mimics squirrel chatter. There are also commercial calls on the market for that purpose. An added benefit of hunting squirrels with a .22 rifle is that you won’t have to bite into a lead shot that and a possible trip to the dentist. Sometimes and despite the best cleaning efforts, an embedded No. 6 or 8 shot can be missed. With a .22 you don’t generally have that problem. While on the topic of eating squirrel, they offer sweet meat as their main diets consist of nuts, berries, mushrooms, pine seeds, corn, while cherry and black gum fruits. And in spring they eat buds, flowers and winged fruits of red maple. In winter, they seek out the nuts they buried in fall. There are several squirrel cooking recipes on social media. And before throwing squirrel tails away, keep in mind Mepp’s the fishing lure maker buys them or trades for their spinning lures. SALTWATER REPORT Northern New Jersey surfcasters tossing tins and epoxy jigs into frothy feeds are playing inshore pelagic roulette this week with bonito, false albacore, Spanish mackerel, small bluefish, and even some chub mackerel in the mix. Inlets have come to life with schools of spearing and peanut bunker, which are keeping late-summer hardtail populations well fed. In many cases, when the surface action dies down as late morning approaches, shore anglers are slowing their retrieves and putting nice fluke on the beach with those same epoxy jigs and metals, while others opt for a live mullet, or the more traditional rig consisting of a bucktail jig and Gulp teaser. Fluke fishing improved over some of the local reefs, where keeper flatties to 8 pounds were reported. Devout fluke anglers are dropping baited hi-lo rigs, bucktails and Gulp, plus live spot for fluke over the reefs. At times, bottom fishermen are even coming across blitzing albies and bonito and are cutting them into strip baits to try and box another keeper fluke for the table. ![]() Elk hunting in Pennsylvania will soon get underway when the archery season for them kicks off Sept. 14-28. But first, bowhunters have had to secure an elk license that are awarded either by auction or raffle and that began Sept. 2. For the fortunate 27 hunters who are lucky to draw an archery license, they will be hunting in their designated Elk Hunt Zones across several counties in northcentral Pennsylvania. Later, from Nov. 4-9 – a period when a lot of other hunters might be sharing the woods – the 68 hunters drawn for a general elk license will have the opportunity to try to fill their tags. And 45 more hunters will take part in the late elk season that runs from Dec. 28 to Jan. 4, 2025 for a herd that the PGC says is between 1,300 and 1,400 elk. And for the 2024 season, there were 65 bull licenses and 75 cow licenses sold. “Those lucky elk hunters might well be feeling the season can’t get here soon enough, but for archery hunters in particular, the start is almost here,” said Game Commission Executive Director Steve Smith. “Soon, those hunters will be living out an experience hundreds of thousands dream about when they submit their applications for a license each year. I wish them luck, and like most hunters, hope to share a part in it someday.” For the 2022 season, the last the PGC has shown, the historical harvest success was 375 antlered and 856 antlerless elk taken. That resulted in a success rate of 97 percent for antlered and 76 percent for antlerless elk. And that was out of 388 antlered licenses issued and 1,131 antlerless licenses issued. For non-hunters, or the unlucky who didn’t draw a license, these majestic game animals can be viewed via Pennsylvania Game Commission’s real time “Elk Cam.” The elk cam can be viewed 24-7 through the agency’s website (www.pgc.pa.gov) that is now live. The livestream feed is on State Game Lands 311 in, most appropriately, Elk County and in a field that’s typically a hub of elk activity according to the PGC. But in addition to elk, viewers may also see wild turkeys, deer, bear, coyotes and other wildlife. According to Jordan Sanford PGC wildlife outreach coordinator, “In the Northcentral Region, the annual elk rut is a unique experience in itself. Spotting a harem of elk, sparring bulls, or hearing majestic bugles ring through the fog is thrilling and exciting. Wherever you are, get connected to catch a glimpse of the magnificent animals. “ The livestream elk cam is provided by HDOnTap, with the help of North Central Pennsylvania Regional Planning and Development Commission. And thanks to infrared capability, it showcases Pennsylvania’s wildlife during daylight and nighttime hours. The elk cam is slated to run until the end of the bugling season, likely sometime in mid-October with the top time to see elk is late in the afternoon says the PGC. |
AuthorNick Hromiak has been an outdoors and automotive writer for over 30 years. He's been published in numerous national and state-wide outdoor magazines and newspapers.
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